Many people will play a part in your child's growing faith, but as a parent, you will always be the most influential person in your child's spiritual formation. We want you to know that we are here, not only to support your child on this journey, but you as well. Family Faith Formation empowers families to deepen their relationship with God, together, living and learning faith, sharing faith stories, and strengthening relationships within the family. Shared learning can develop traditions that become part of everyday living. It is not only meant to awaken the faith of your children but also enliven the faith of the parents. This year, we will use the Family Faith program "Finding God". On the first Saturday of the month, parents and children will gather together for a short power point presentation and discussion. The children will then go down to the church hall for their shared learning and the parents will remain for a deeper discussion and reflection guided by Kelly Hendershedt. We will conclude with directions for the home assignment as well as a closing prayer. On the third Thursday of each month, we will have a child only session. The children will be divided into groups for age- directed lessons. We will conclude the month with the Family Mass on the 4th Sunday followed by refreshments in the church hall. A complete schedule can be printed by clicking the picture below. We continue to need volunteers who can join us the first Saturday of the month to help work with children on activities and/or as instructors during the third week in the church hall for one hour. Please pray about this and ask God to speak to your heart—if interested, please contact Cindy Bryan at [email protected].
For more information on the Middle School (grades 7 and 8) Faith Formation program, please access here.