Our Vision Statement: * To equip our youth with the knowledge and tools they need to practice their Catholic faith through all stages of life. * To help them nurture and sustain a closer and more meaningful relationship with God. * To provide opportunities to share their faith in the community and to bring awareness of Christ active in our daily lives. |

Prayer Service and Ice Cream Social
Tuesday, September 17
7:00-8:30 pm
To kick off the Faith Formation year, we invite all parents to a reflective prayer service in the church and your children to a fun meet and greet
Ice Cream Social
downstairs in the church hall. Parents will join their children after the service to meet with instructors and answer any questions.
We look forward to seeing you!

It's time to register for the 2024-2025 school year! Please see below for more information
on St. John Fisher's Faith Formation program. Click here to register online.
Welcome, Families of St. John Fisher Parish
We practice and live our faith by actively participating in a relationship with Christ. We invite you and your family to embrace and grow in faith with the support and guidance of Faith Formation. Here are the elements of our program:
Family Faith Formation: Kindergarten - 8th Grade
We are proud to offer comprehensive and grade-appropriate programs that embrace our families and their children in the growth and demonstration of their love of Jesus, His teachings and their Catholic faith.
Confirmation Program:
Our Confirmation Program begins in September of 9th grade and concludes in the fall of 10th grade as the children receive the third and final sacrament of initiation into the Catholic church. The children will prepare for their final initiation through classes held at our church and community service opportunities held during designated class time and offsite locations. Additional community service opportunities available to all high schoolers including Confirmation candidates can be accessed on this tab.
High School Youth Group
Your faith practice does not end when Faith Formation classes stop! We welcome all high schoolers to join us for fun, fellowship, and service. Additional community service opportunities available to all high schoolers including Confirmation candidates can be accessed on this tab.
Throughout the year, St. John Fisher offers opportunities for adults to gather, grow, and serve as Christians.
Family Faith Formation: Kindergarten - 8th Grade
We are proud to offer comprehensive and grade-appropriate programs that embrace our families and their children in the growth and demonstration of their love of Jesus, His teachings and their Catholic faith.
Confirmation Program:
Our Confirmation Program begins in September of 9th grade and concludes in the fall of 10th grade as the children receive the third and final sacrament of initiation into the Catholic church. The children will prepare for their final initiation through classes held at our church and community service opportunities held during designated class time and offsite locations. Additional community service opportunities available to all high schoolers including Confirmation candidates can be accessed on this tab.
High School Youth Group
Your faith practice does not end when Faith Formation classes stop! We welcome all high schoolers to join us for fun, fellowship, and service. Additional community service opportunities available to all high schoolers including Confirmation candidates can be accessed on this tab.
Throughout the year, St. John Fisher offers opportunities for adults to gather, grow, and serve as Christians.
Volunteering for Faith Formation at St. John Fisher
We are looking for volunteers to join our Faith Formation Team. If you are interested in helping out at any of our sessions or have questions, please contact us. A short description of the programs are below with the leader's contact information. Call the Church Office at 860-295-0001 or see information below to reach out to the appropriate contact for your child(ren)'s grade level.
We are looking for volunteers to join our Faith Formation Team. If you are interested in helping out at any of our sessions or have questions, please contact us. A short description of the programs are below with the leader's contact information. Call the Church Office at 860-295-0001 or see information below to reach out to the appropriate contact for your child(ren)'s grade level.
2024-2025 Program Overview
- Kindergarten, Grade 1, Grades 3-6: Family Faith Formation: The Family Faith Formation will be following the program "Finding God". It embraces the same format we used last year- parent/child session on the first Saturday of the month, home assignment, child- oriented session and Family Mass. You can reach Cindy at [email protected]
- Grade 2 (First Reconciliation & First Holy Communion) and Confirmation (grades 9 and 10): Helena Thomas will lead our programs for the Sacramental years. Helena's direct contact information is [email protected].
- Grades 7 and 8: Eileen Gilles will lead our middle school programs for grades 7 and 8. Eileen will be using the program "Finding God" for Middle Schoolers. It will also include an interactive online resource. Eileen's direct contact information is [email protected].
Top level overview: there will be two (2) meetings per month for all grades. Grades K-6 will meet initially with their families (see below) and then have another meeting later in the month. Grade 9 will also have two meetings per month.
- Family Faith Formation evening (where parents attend) will be the first Saturday of each month - October through April. We will meet in our church right after 4:00 Mass. Both parents and children will begin with a short power point discussion, and then children will move downstairs to grade-specific groups and parents will remain upstairs for a more in depth discussion of the power point directly ministering to you and your needs as parents. We will conclude downstairs with your children for additional reflection and concluding prayer. These sessions will run from approximately 5:00 - 6:15 and will be for families with students in grades K-6, other siblings are more than welcome too! If there are older siblings, please connect with me as we can surely provide leadership opportunities to minister to the younger students or childcare, if needed, when parents meet upstairs.
- Afterschool session for grades K, 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6 - in addition to the Family Faith Formation gathering outlined above, students in these grades will meet in our church hall on the 3rd Thursday of the month from 4:00pm-5:00pm. A detailed schedule can be found on the Family Faith Formation tab.
- Middle School students will meet separately twice a month on the second and third Sunday of the month from September 28 through April with Eileen Gilles in our church hall at 4:00 -5:30pm. A detailed schedule can be found on the Middle School tab.
- 2nd Grade Sacramental Preparation program - in addition to the Family Faith Formation gathering outlined above, students will also meet after school on Tuesday twice a month - calendar is posted on the First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion tab. Any additional details will be communicated via email and at class to registered families.
- 9th Grade Sacramental Confirmation (Year 1) program will meet twice a month on Sunday (with exception of first class), see the Confirmation tab for class calendar, forms, and other important information.
- 10th Grade Sacramental Confirmation (Year 2) program will have a separate schedule of fall meetings and events that is emailed to the registered families at the end of the August. You can also access the calendar and other important information HERE. The cost of 10th Grade Confirmation is included in the initial enrollment cost for 9th Grade Confirmation.
- Youth Ministry program will have meeting dates throughout the school year, see the High Schoolers tab for the calendar. Any changes to these meeting dates and times will be communicated on this site and via email to registered high school families. Community service opportunities outside those scheduled at Confirmation classes can also be accessed on this page.
Faith Formation for the 2024-2025 School Year
It's time to register for the new school year! Follow the Register Now link for the registration form and payment information.
If you are new to the program, WELCOME!
Please reach out to the Church Office with any questions at 860-295-0001 or [email protected]
If you are new to our parish or if your family is not registered with St. John Fisher,
please go to our parish website to register or contact the Church Office.
If you registered online but did not complete the payment, you can pay online here or scan the QR code below.
If you are new to the program, WELCOME!
Please reach out to the Church Office with any questions at 860-295-0001 or [email protected]
If you are new to our parish or if your family is not registered with St. John Fisher,
please go to our parish website to register or contact the Church Office.
If you registered online but did not complete the payment, you can pay online here or scan the QR code below.
you to be, and YOU will set the WORLD ON FIRE. Saint Catherine of Siena |
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We practice, live, and grow our faith by actively fostering our relationship with Christ.
We invite you and your family to join us as we begin this new year of Faith Formation! TOGETHER, let's "set the WORLD ON FIRE!" |